Responsible Drinking

As part of Alken-Maes, Mort Subite takes several initiatives to fulfill its social role as a responsible brewer. We are strongly committed to responsible drinking and inclusiveness through our products and collaborations.

As a brewer, we consider it our responsibility to raise awareness about responsible alcohol consumption. Moreover, since June 2024, we have partnered with the Flemish Association of Students (VVS) to promote responsible alcohol consumption among students.

Mort Subite has consistently supported responsible drinking and combated alcohol abuse through various actions and campaigns, often guided by the Arnoldus code: ‘Alcohol abuse harms health’ and our Responsible Marketing Code.

As part of our Responsible Marketing Code, we ensure a clear, relevant, and applicable responsible drinking message is included in all our commercial communications. We require everyone who conducts commercial communications for our alcohol brands, including influencers, to include a responsible drinking message and/or direct consumers, where appropriate, to reliable third-party online resources that discourage alcohol misuse. We also ensure any person featured in our commercial communications is and appears to be over 25 years of age.

We hope you love our products as much as we love brewing them—and we encourage you to enjoy them responsibly.